Anything posted on the Internet and represented by Ruth Sippel Pace, Katherine (Kathy) Jean Sippel Inglis, and Gertrude (Gert) Mary Sippel McQueen which purports to be factual is both fraudulent and presented without Joan Wheeler's authority or approval.

It is unfair to be the subject of vile, misleading, deceptive and untrue commentaries that are maliciously intended to undermine a person's professional and personal reputation. Adoption author and activist Joan Wheeler is intent on putting a stop to the lies and falsehoods being spread about her and her book "Forbidden Family". Other adoption reformers and adoption professionals are also targets of the perpetrators Ruth Sippel Pace, Katherine Sippel Inglis and Gert Sippel McQueen.

Joan Wheeler fears not only for her personal and professional reputation, but for her life. Police and Court action, which was tried in the past, will not help in matters of Cyber Bullying and Cyber Stalking as there are no such laws in New York State to protect victims from this type of abuse.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Facts: Our Mother's Early Death and My Adoption Caused Severe Mental Illness in My Sisters

We lost our mother at her death when we were young children. My siblings: three sisters and our brother, lost their baby sister to adoption. I lost my entire family due to relinquishment and adoption. My siblings violated our father’s privacy and confidentiality by contacting me when I was 18 without consulting him. My siblings violated my adoptive parents’ privacy and mine by contacting me when I was still in high school. My siblings violated me in many ways. My siblings actually have been stalking me since I was 10 years old when they got my adoptive name and address from our aunt. This aunt violated the terms of the closed adoption contract between my father and my adoptive parents. NONE of this should have happened as this relinquishment and adoption were wrong from thee very beginning. All of the adults involved in separating five young siblings are to blame. Dad kept the four older ones and got rid of me, the newborn.

All of this could have been avoided had someone stepped in to help our father at the time his wife died to keep the family together. I have nothing but sympathy for my siblings who are suffering tremendously; we should be family instead of being torn apart. They found me because they wanted their baby sister, but they were not willing to accept the responsibility that goes with finding an adoptee who was unaware of the truth. I suffered the most in this separation and reunion.

I want to spend the rest of my days in peace, free from their contact and harassment. But they follow me online, write to other bloggers and to professionals in adoption to interfere with my goals of adoption reform. They are actively involving themselves in my life, reading my blog, contacting people they have no business contacting. Enough already. I want to live in peace without them in my life.

With all this hateful rage they spew, their goal is to make my life a living hell. They have achieved their goal. Their very actions are a good indications of three grown women who are seriously mentally disturbed. Normal people who disapprove of a writer publishing the story of her life might sue the author. I have not been sued. Instead, they take their insanities to the Internet. They stalk my every move, follow me around, read my blog, pester other adoption reformers and professionals, and post their hate-spewing on their blogs and other websites. They swear they don't want me in their lives, so why are they so concerned with my life?

They write their blogs in the first person, making it seem as though I am actively causing them harm. I am not bothering them in any way. It is all in their heads and their reactions to my book, calling me a liar for what I wrote in my book and what I write about adoption reform on my other website. Their psychopathic ramblings are figments of their traumatized minds. I understand this. They lost their mother to her early death and were older children when she died so they remember her. They also remember that Momma was pregnant when she left for the hospital. Neither Momma nor the baby came home. Momma was buried and I started a new life as the only child of adoptive parents who lied to me for the first 18 years of my life, never wanting me to know the truth. The truth came back because the four siblings wanted their baby sister, but they didn't want the responsibility for the chaos they caused me and my adoptive parents, and later, my now ex-husband and my children.